Formulaire de bénévolat


    A Message from the Executive Director

    Dear Ujima, Inc. Community,

    As many of you know, the world and our community have been rocked by the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As information about the outbreak continues to develop, we want to provide you with updates around what we are doing to support the community and our team.

    Precautionary Measure for Our Staff
    In an effort to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, we have implemented our telework policy. Starting Monday, March 16 – Friday, March 27 our entire Ujima staff will be working from home. While no one on our staff has shown symptoms of the virus, our office will be going through a deep clean as a precaution. We are still available to answer any questions, concerns or requests. If you need to contact one of our staff members, please e-mail us at

    Ujima, Inc. Outreach and Community Awareness
    Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of the community that we serve. As a national resource center, it is our responsibility to provide some support that may help lessen much of the anxiety we know many of you are feeling around the pandemic and the flood of information being provided.

    The first step is to make sure you are following the guidelines and recommendations set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). If you are able to stay home, please do so and remember to practice social distancing when necessary. Continue to wash your hands with soap and warm water when you can and keep your hands away from your face. Lastly, if you are feeling sick, please stay home and contact your doctor for assistance.

    We understand how challenging these times can be for everyone. As new details come available, we ask that you remain aware and continue to follow the recommendations set by our federal agencies and local governments. We will continue to monitor the situation and send updates about Ujima, Inc. when they become available.

    Take care,

    Karma Cottman
    Executive Director, Ujima, Inc.

    Additional Resources
    Ujima, Inc.
    Centers for Disease Control
    National Institute of Health
    World Health Organization
    Do’s and Don’t of Social Distancing

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    Changez leur monde. Changez le vôtre. Cela change tout.