

Fiches d'information sur Ujima

feuille de mission Ujima de fait

Mission d'Ujima

“Our mission is to mobilize the community to respond to and end violence against women in the Black community. We actualize this mission through research, public awareness and community engagement, technical assistance, and resource development.”

Violence domestique et violence armée dans la communauté noire

Black women comprise 14% of the U.S. population and 31% of domestic violence fatalities and are statistically nearly 3x more likely than white women to be killed by an intimate partner (Violence Policy Center, 2022).

Traite sexuelle des jeunes

Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) is the “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial act” where the victim is a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident under the age of 18.

Violence dans les fréquentations chez les adolescents dans la communauté noire

TDV can include physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, and psychological aggression. Repeated texting to threaten, stalk someone and/or posting sexual pictures online without the consent of the partner are actions that also fall under the umbrella of teen dating violence (Breiding et al., 2015).

Les femmes noires et les agressions sexuelles

“Many cultural considerations can hinder healing for Black women survivors: the burdensome expectation of strong Black womanhood; the power of the Black church; the desire to shield Black men; and the lack of self-care examples are all real dynamics Black women survivors endure,” Jazelle Hunt, Leçons de terrain tirées des reportages sur les femmes noires survivantes de violences sexuelles.

La violence conjugale

“Nationally, about 9% of Black women were raped by an intimate partner during their lifetime compared to 11% multiracial women, 10% White women, and 6% Hispanic women (Breiding, 2014).”

Violence entre partenaires intimes LGBTQIA+

Les survivants LGBTQ noirs sont près de deux fois plus susceptibles d'être victimes de violence physique de la part d'un partenaire intime que ceux qui ne s'identifient pas comme Noirs et LGBTQ (APA, 2019).

T.Procédé approche

“Along with promoting culturally competent services through a holistic and survivor-centered lens, Ujima’s TA approach is also trauma-informed. Historical, societal, and personal trauma is inextricably linked with violence in the Black community.”

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