
المركز الوطني لخدمات الضحايا المستجيبة ثقافيا

المركز الوطني لخدمات الضحايا المستجيبة ثقافيا

Ujima Inc., The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community, along with its partner, The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault, is honored to introduce its National Center for Culturally Responsive Victim Services (NCCRVS).

NCCRVS, funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, aims to:

What Will NCCRVS Offer?

For Government, Private Funders, and Mainstream Organizations:

NCCRVS will also provide TTA to mainstream organizations, government, and private funders on the impact of systemic bias and oppression on culturally specific organizations, victims/survivors, and their communities.

Specifically, TTA will address policies and practices that reinforce barriers to funding due to bias, the impact of historical trauma, and explore a public health approach to crime in communities of color.

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