

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Black Community

Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Health disparities have always existed for the African American community, but here again with the crisis how it’s shining a bright light on how unacceptable that is…when you have a situation like the Coronavirus they are suffering disproportionately.” He concludes, “When all this is over, and as we’ve said, it will end. We will get over Coronavirus, but there will still be health disparities, which we really do need to address in the African American community.”

Para obtener más información sobre COVID-19, visite Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).

Ujima, Inc .: El Centro Nacional de Violencia contra las Mujeres en la Comunidad Negra se compromete a proporcionarle los recursos y servicios de COVID-19. A continuación hay una lista de recursos y servicios que están disponibles actualmente.

Ujima, Inc. COVID-19 Recursos

Dr. Anthony Fauci de la Casa Blanca metraje de prensa y cita proporcionada por C-SPAN.
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