نموذج التطوع


    انذار امني: إن كنت في خطر، الرجاء إستخدام جهاز كمبيوتر أكثر أماناً أو ضع في الإعتبار سلامتك أولاً، ثم إتصل بـ 911
    إن كنت بحاجة لمغادرة هذا الموقع بسرعة، الرجاء الضغط على زر المغادرة.



    Distance Learning Resources from the Smithsonian

    The Smithsonian is committed to supporting teachers and their students around the globe as they face unprecedented new learning challenges. Here, on the Learning Lab, teachers have access to millions of digital resources from across the Smithsonian’s museums, research centers, libraries, archives, and more. You will also find pre-packaged collections that contain lessons, activities, and recommended resources made by Smithsonian museum educators as well as thousands of classroom teachers like you. Use the search bar below to search for Smithsonian Learning Lab Collections.

    For more information, visit www.learninglab.si.edu/distancelearning.

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