የበጎ ቅጽ


    የደህንነት ማስጠንቀቂያ፤ አደጋ ካጋጠመዎት ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ኮምፒተርን ይጠቀሙ ወይም ስለ ደህንነት ያስቡ፤ ከዛ 911
    ይደውሉ። ይህንን ቦታ ወድያውኑ መልቀቅ ከፈለጉ፣ መውጫ የሚለውን ይጫኑ።



    Forbes | Looking For Your Stimulus Check? New IRS Tool Now Lets Tax Filers Update Direct Deposit, Track Progress

    The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have released a new web tool that will allow taxpayers to update their direct deposit information to receive their stimulus checks (Economic Impact Payments) more quickly. This tool, which is now available, is available to those taxpayers who have filed 2018 and/or 2019 tax returns and is separate from the tool used by non-filers (you’ll find more about the registration tool for non-filers here).

    To read the entire article, click here.

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    ዓለማቸውን ቀይሩ፡፡ የእናንተን ዓለም ቀይሩ፤ ይህም ሁሉንም ነገር ይቀይራል፡፡

    ዓለማቸውን ይቀይሩ። የእርስዎን ይቀይሩ. ይህ ሁሉንም ነገር ይለውጣል.