የበጎ ቅጽ


    የደህንነት ማስጠንቀቂያ፤ አደጋ ካጋጠመዎት ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ኮምፒተርን ይጠቀሙ ወይም ስለ ደህንነት ያስቡ፤ ከዛ 911
    ይደውሉ። ይህንን ቦታ ወድያውኑ መልቀቅ ከፈለጉ፣ መውጫ የሚለውን ይጫኑ።



    We recently saw the explosive argument between rapper Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, (“DaBaby”) and singer Danielle Leigh Curiel (“DaniLeigh”) in real time over social media. DaBaby decided to live stream the incident “for his safety” because he asked DaniLeigh to leave his Charlotte, NC home, but she refused. DaniLeigh had been living with DaBaby for the last three months after the birth of their daughter. According to DaniLeigh, the argument started because she ordered a Plan B Morning After Pill ( to prevent pregnancy) and had it mailed to DaBaby’s residence. DaBaby’s reaction to DaniLeigh ordering a Plan B pill could be considered an attempt to use power and control over DaniLeigh’s health – a form of abuse called reproductive coercion.

    Reproductive coercion is a form of intimate partner abuse. It is a control tactic used to dictate a person’s reproductive options in a relationship. Some examples of reproductive coercion are:
    • destroying contraceptives or hiding them;
    • threats to end the relationship if a partner does not submit to getting pregnant or demands to terminate a pregnancy;
    • engaging in intercourse with someone with a condom on, then secretly removing the condom during intercourse without consent (stealthing); and
    • intentionally putting holes in a condom to try to impregnate someone.

    Pregnant people are particularly vulnerable to intimate partner violence, especially Black women – murder is the main cause of Black Maternal Death. It is important to identify and discuss tactics that are not highly publicized that intentionally isolate victims and make it difficult to leave toxic relationships. Ujima is committed to continuing to advocate for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act 2021 and the complete passage of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2021 (Momnibus) to address gender-based violence and its intersection with reproductive health.

    A brand new event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Ujima, Inc. hosted its first Coffee & Conversation: Black Maternal Health at Busboys and Poets in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, DC on Monday, October 14, 2019. Moderated by Megan Simmons, Senior Policy Attorney for Ujima, Inc., the panel discussion provided insight into the intersection of violence and Black maternal health. The conversation centered on violence, bias, and preventable deaths experienced by Black women throughout the duration of their pregnancies.

    Panelists for the event included:

    • Jamila Perritt, MD, MPH, FACOG
    • Jessica Pinckney, In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, Vice President of Government Affairs

    Dr. Perritt shared practical experiences and how her medical care is guided by trauma informed skills. Ms. Pinkney offered her knowledge on policy implications on Black women’s maternal health, as well as policy recommendations to improve outcomes going forward. Dr. Perritt and Ms. Pinkney, both activists and advocates, often work together to educate others on reproductive justice.

    Both women shared their personal experiences on how they arrived at incorporating reproductive justice into their professional lives.

    If you missed the event, click here to view the entire discussion on our Facebook page.

    ዓለማቸውን ቀይሩ፡፡ የእናንተን ዓለም ቀይሩ፤ ይህም ሁሉንም ነገር ይቀይራል፡፡

    ዓለማቸውን ይቀይሩ። የእርስዎን ይቀይሩ. ይህ ሁሉንም ነገር ይለውጣል.