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Your abuser has spent a lot of time and energy telling you that you are to blame for their violence. They have spent a lot of time keeping you from the warmth of family and friends. This was to keep you trapped. You deserve love, dignity, and safety.
We recently saw the explosive argument between rapper Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, (“DaBaby”) and singer Danielle Leigh Curiel (“DaniLeigh”) in real time over social...
The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims conducted a series of listening sessions to unearth the impact the COVID-19 health crisis
Once again we find ourselves in deep sorrow mourning the senseless slaying of innocent members of our society. Our hearts and heavy, and we grieve with the Asian community today in response to the...
Findings from the 2020 Guttmacher Survey of Reproductive Health Experiences, it was found that due to different disruption variables, COVID-19 will have “major consequences for reproductive health goals and behaviors, access to care and far beyond,”
In the age of social distancing and mandatory stay-at-home orders, sex workers worldwide have seen their sources of income dry up and disappear. With...
38% of small business owners who applied for government aid reported receiving it, only 12% of Black and Latino owned businesses reported getting the aid they asked for.”
As our nation works to address the current and future costs of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the broader society
Following the emergence of COVID-19 in the United States, the pandemic has spread across the nation with devastating and life-altering effects.
Over the past couple of months, most of our nation has become accustomed to living with some level of fear or strain and navigating how to manage them - if not for ourselves then for the people that we love.

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